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“I mean, nobody wishes more than I do that it had all been quick and clean, and my head had come off properly, I mean, it would have saved me a great deal of pain and ridicule. However —”
Nearly Headless Nick shook his letter open and read furiously:
“ ‘We can only accept huntsmen whose heads have parted company with their bodies. You will appreciate that it would be impossible otherwise for members to participate in hunt activities such as Horseback Head- Juggling and Head Polo. It is with the greatest regret, therefore, that I must inform you that you do not fulfill our requirements. With very best wishes, Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore.’ ”

Related characters : Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 8 : The Deathday Party

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