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Character : Severus Snape

Expecto Patronum!

SNAPE sends forward a Patronus, and it’s a beautiful white shape of a doe.

A doe? Lily’s Patronus.

Strange isn’t it? What comes from within.

Related characters : Severus Snape, Scorpius Malfoy, Lily Potter

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 3 - Scene 9

Rating : 3,13/5 (651 votes) - Comments
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potionmaking," he began. He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word -- like Professor McGonagall, Snape had y caught every word -- like Professor McGonagall, Snape had the gift of keeping a class silent without effort. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses.... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
More silence followed this little speech. Harry and Ron exchanged looks with raised eyebrows. Hermione Granger was on the edge of her seat and looked desperate to start proving that she wasn't a dunderhead.

Severus Snape to the first years
Related characters : Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 8 : The Potions Master

Rating : 3,13/5 (693 votes) - Comments
“I suggest, Headmaster, that Potter is not being entirely truthful,” he said. “It might be a good idea if he were deprived of certain privileges until he is ready to tell us the whole story. I personally feel he should be taken off the Gryffindor Quidditch team until he is ready to be honest.”
“Really, Severus,” said Professor McGonagall sharply, “I see no reason to stop the boy playing Quidditch. This cat wasn’t hit over the head with a broomstick. There is no evidence at all that Potter has done anything wrong.”

Related characters : Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 9 : The Writing on the Wall

Rating : 3,12/5 (538 votes) - Comments
“If I might speak, Headmaster,” said Snape from the shadows, and Harry’s sense of foreboding increased; he was sure nothing Snape had to say was going to do him any good.
“Potter and his friends may have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he said, a slight sneer curling his mouth as though he doubted it. “But we do have a set of suspicious circumstances here. Why was he in the upstairs corridor at all? Why wasn’t he at the Halloween feast?”

Related characters : Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 9 : The Writing on the Wall

Rating : 3,12/5 (541 votes) - Comments
How [am I dead]?




How very irritating.

There’s a silence as SNAPE digests this.

Still, there’s glory in being taken down by the Dark Lord himself, I suppose.

I’m sorry, Severus.

SNAPE looks at her, and then swallows the pain. He indicates RON with a flick of his head.

Well, at least I’m not married to him.

Related characters : Severus Snape, Scorpius Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 3 - Scene 7

Rating : 3,12/5 (618 votes) - Comments
Snape, like Flitwick, started the class by taking the roll call, and like Flitwick, he paused at Harry's name. "Ah, Yes," he said softly, "Harry Potter. Our new -- celebrity."

Related characters : Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Filius Flitwick

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 8 : The Potions Master

Rating : 3,12/5 (722 votes) - Comments
You need to run. I will keep them at bay for as long as I can.

Thank you for being my light in the darkness.

SNAPE looks at him, every inch a hero, he softly smiles.

Related characters : Severus Snape, Scorpius Malfoy

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 3 - Scene 9

Rating : 3,12/5 (564 votes) - Comments

Look at me... you have your mother's eyes.

Snape to Harry
Related characters : Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Lily Potter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,11/5 (708 votes) - Comments
“We’ll go and get our stuff,” said Ron in a hopeless sort of voice.
“What are you talking about, Weasley?” barked Professor Mc-Gonagall.
“Well, you’re expelling us, aren’t you?” said Ron.
Harry looked quickly at Dumbledore.
“Not today, Mr. Weasley,” said Dumbledore. “But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to both your families tonight. I must also warn you that if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to expel you.”
Snape looked as though Christmas had been canceled.

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 5 : The Whomping Willow

Rating : 3,11/5 (695 votes) - Comments
At the start-of-term banquet, Harry had gotten the idea that Professor Snape disliked him. By the end of the first Potions lesson, he knew he'd been wrong. Snape didn't dislike Harry -- he hated him.

Related characters : Harry Potter, Severus Snape

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 8 : The Potions Master

Rating : 3,10/5 (742 votes) - Comments
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