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Book : Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

How dare you stand where he stood! A man who trusted you Tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, and killed him.

Harry à Snape
Related characters : Harry Potter, Severue Rogue, Albus Dumbledore

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,12/5 (929 votes) - Comments

It is the quality of ones convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.

Who said that?


Related characters : Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,11/5 (778 votes) - Comments

After all this time?


Related characters : Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Lilly Potter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,11/5 (735 votes) - Comments

Not my daughter, you bitch !

Molly Weasley to Bellatrix Lestrange
Related characters : Molly Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Ginny Weasley

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,06/5 (734 votes) - Comments

It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday! Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. He's still with us, in here. So's Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will! Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us. It's not over!

Related characters : Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,06/5 (842 votes) - Comments

Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real ?

Related characters : Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,06/5 (680 votes) - Comments

If we die for them, Harry, I'm going to kill you!

Ron about Malfoy and Zabini
Related characters : Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,05/5 (776 votes) - Comments

Look at me... you have your mother's eyes.

Snape to Harry
Related characters : Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Lily Potter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 3,04/5 (786 votes) - Comments

Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.

Related characters : Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 2,98/5 (680 votes) - Comments

Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die. Avada Kedavra !

Related characters : Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - Movie

Rating : 2,90/5 (717 votes) - Comments
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10 results