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Book : Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 5 - Le Chemin de Traverse

"I'm sorry to say I sold the wand that did it," he said softly. "Thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Powerful wand, very powerful, and in the wrong hands... well, if I'd known what that wand was going out into the world to do...."

Ollivander to Harry about Voldemort
Related characters : Garrick Ollivander, Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,13/5 (765 votes) - Comments
"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather -- just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother why, its brother gave you that scar."
Harry swallowed.
"Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember.... I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter.... After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things -- terrible, yes, but great."
Harry shivered. He wasn't sure he liked Mr. Ollivander too much.

Related characters : Garrick Ollivander, Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,13/5 (720 votes) - Comments
"Come on, back in this infernal cart, and don't talk to me on the way back, it's best if I keep me mouth shut," said Hagrid.

Hagrid to Harry in the depths of Gringotts
Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,12/5 (602 votes) - Comments
Twenty minutes later, they left Eeylops Owl Emporium, which had been dark and full of rustling and flickering, jewel-bright eyes. Harry now carried a large cage that held a beautiful snowy owl, fast asleep with her head under her wing. He couldn't stop stammering his thanks, sounding just like Professor Quirrell.

Related characters : Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, Hedwig, Quirinus Quirrell

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,09/5 (650 votes) - Comments
"Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we'll find the perfect match here somewhere -- I wonder, now - - yes, why not -- unusual combination -- holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple."
Harry took the wand. He felt a sudden warmth in his fingers. He raised the wand above his head, brought it swishing down through the dusty air and a stream of red and gold sparks shot from the end like a firework, throwing dancing spots of light on to the walls. Hagrid whooped and clapped and Mr. Ollivander cried, "Oh, bravo! Yes, indeed, oh, very good. Well, well, well... how curious... how very curious... "

Related characters : Garrick Ollivander, Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,09/5 (566 votes) - Comments
"The gold ones are Galleons," he explained. "Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough.

Hagrid to Harry
Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,07/5 (589 votes) - Comments
"Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

Draco Malfoy to Harry
Related characters : Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,07/5 (628 votes) - Comments
"What sort of magic do you teach, Professor Quirrell?"
"D-Defense Against the D-D-Dark Arts," muttered Professor Quirrell, as though he'd rather not think about it. "N-not that you n-need it, eh, P-P-Potter?" He laughed nervously. "You'll be g-getting all your equipment, I suppose? I've g-got to p-pick up a new b-book on vampires, m-myself." He looked terrified at the very thought.

Related characters : Quirinus Quirrell, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,06/5 (648 votes) - Comments
This was just an ordinary street full of ordinary people. Could there really be piles of wizard gold buried miles beneath them? Were there really shops that sold spell books and broomsticks? Might this not all be some huge joke that the Dursleys had cooked up? If Harry hadn't known that the Dursleys had no sense of humor, he might have thought so; yet somehow, even though everything Hagrid had told him so far was unbelievable, Harry couldn't help trusting him.

Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter, Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,03/5 (629 votes) - Comments
"Everyone thinks I'm special," he said at last. "All those people in the Leaky Cauldron, Professor Quirrell, Mr. Ollivander... but I don't know anything about magic at all. How can they expect great things? I'm famous and I can't even remember what I'm famous for. I don't know what happened when Vol-, sorry -- I mean, the night my parents died."
Hagrid leaned across the table. Behind the wild beard and eyebrows he wore a very kind smile.
"Don' you worry, Harry. You'll learn fast enough. Everyone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts, you'll be just fine. just be yerself. I know it's hard. Yeh've been singled out, an' that's always hard. But yeh'll have a great time at Hogwarts -- I did -- still do, 'smatter of fact."

Related characters : Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, Quirinus Quirrell, Garrick Ollivander, Lord Voldemort, James Potter, Lily Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,02/5 (746 votes) - Comments
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