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Character : Mrs. Norris

Harry and Ron were delighted to hear Hagrid call Fitch "that old git."
"An' as fer that cat, Mrs. Norris, I'd like ter introduce her to Fang sometime. D'yeh know, every time I go up ter the school, she follows me everywhere? Can't get rid of her -- Fitch puts her up to it."

Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Fang, Mrs. Norris, Argus Filch

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 8 : The Potions Master

Rating : 3,05/5 (634 votes) - Comments
At the foot of the first set of stairs, they spotted Mrs. Norris skulking near the top.
"Oh, let's kick her, just this once," Ron whispered in Harry's ear, but Harry shook his head.

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Mrs. Norris

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 16 : Through the Trapdoor

Rating : 3,13/5 (616 votes) - Comments
Something was shining on the wall ahead. They approached slowly, squinting through the darkness. Foot-high words had been daubed on the wall between two windows, shimmering in the light cast by the flaming torches.


“What’s that thing — hanging underneath?” said Ron, a slight quiver in his voice.
As they edged nearer, Harry almost slipped — there was a large puddle of water on the floor; Ron and Hermione grabbed him, and they inched toward the message, eyes fixed on a dark shadow beneath it. All three of them realized what it was at once, and leapt backward with a splash.
Mrs. Norris, the caretaker’s cat, was hanging by her tail from the torch bracket. She was stiff as a board, her eyes wide and staring.

Related characters : Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Mrs. Norris

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 8 : The Deathday Party

Rating : 3,16/5 (662 votes) - Comments
Argus Filch came shouldering his way through the crowd. Then he saw Mrs. Norris and fell back, clutching his face in horror.
“My cat! My cat! What’s happened to Mrs. Norris?” he shrieked. And his popping eyes fell on Harry.
“You!” he screeched. “You! You’ve murdered my cat! You’ve killed her! I’ll kill you! I’ll —”

Related characters : Argus Filch, Mrs. Norris, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 9 : The Writing on the Wall

Rating : 2,97/5 (510 votes) - Comments
“She’s not dead, Argus,” he said softly.
Lockhart stopped abruptly in the middle of counting the number of murders he had prevented.
“Not dead?” choked Filch, looking through his fingers at Mrs. Norris. “But why’s she all — all stiff and frozen?”
“She has been Petrified,” said Dumbledore (“Ah! I thought so!” said Lockhart).

Related characters : Argus Filch, Albus Dumbledore, Gilderoy Lockhart, Mrs. Norris

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 9 : The Writing on the Wall

Rating : 3,00/5 (520 votes) - Comments
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5 results