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Character : Delphi Diggory

I almost destroyed the world.

Delphi wasn’t going anywhere, Albus – you brought her out into the light and you found a way for us to fight her. You may not see it now, but you saved us.

Related characters : Albus Potter, Harry Potter, Delphi Diggory

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 4 - Scene 15

Rating : 3,07/5 (685 votes) - Comments
She [Delphi] smiles. She looks at ALBUS. She leans down and gently kisses him on both cheeks. She walks away into the woodland. ALBUS stares after her.

She didn’t kiss me – did you notice? (He looks at his friend.) Are you okay, Albus? You look a little pale. And red. Pale and red at the same time.

Let’s do this.

Related characters : Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Potter, Delphi Diggory

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 2 - Scene 4

Rating : 3,05/5 (608 votes) - Comments
And anyway – it has to be me.

Everyone turns to HARRY.


For this plan to work she has to believe it’s him, without hesitation. She’ll use Parseltongue – and I knew there was a reason why I still have that ability. But more than that, I – know what it is to feel – like him. I know what it is to be him. It has to be me.

Rubbish. Beautifully put, but beautiful rubbish. No way are you going to—

I’m afraid you’re right, my old friend.

Related characters : Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Lord Voldemort, Delphi Diggory

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 4 - Scene 10

Rating : 3,05/5 (640 votes) - Comments
CRAIG runs in, full of energy.

Scorpius? Albus? Everyone’s looking for you—

Craig! Get away. Get help!

What’s happening?

Avada Kedavra!

DELPHI sends a blast of green light across the stage. CRAIG is propelled backwards by it – and is immediately killed. There’s a silence. A silence that seems to last for a long time.

Related characters : Craig Bowker Jr., Albus Potter, Delphi Diggory, Scorpius Malfoy

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 3 - Scene 19

Rating : 3,04/5 (588 votes) - Comments
I am from the future. The child of Bellatrix Lestrange and you. I was born in Malfoy Manor before the Battle of Hogwarts. A battle you are going to lose. I have come to save you.

HARRY/VOLDEMORT turns. She meets his eyes.

It was Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix’s loyal husband, who on return from Azkaban told me who I was and revealed the prophecy he thought I was destined to fulfil. I am your daughter, sir.

Related characters : Delphi Diggory, Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 4 - Scene 11

Rating : 3,03/5 (595 votes) - Comments
Meet the once-great Harry Potter, now a stone-cold Ministry man. I will leave you in peace, sir. If peace is the right word for it. Delphi, my chair...

Amos to Delphi
Related characters : Amos Diggory, Harry Potter, Delphi Diggory

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 1 - Scene 6

Rating : 3,03/5 (734 votes) - Comments
Albus needs you, Scorpius. That’s a wonderful thing.

He needs me to do what?
That’s the thing isn’t it? About friendships. You don’t know what he needs. You only know he needs it. Find him Scorpius. You two – you belong together.

Related characters : Delphi Diggory, Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Malefoy

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 2 - Scene 14

Rating : 3,02/5 (661 votes) - Comments
I’ve never fought alone, you see. And I never will.

Harry to Delphi
Related characters : Harry Potter, Delphi Diggory

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 4 - Scene 11

Rating : 3,02/5 (591 votes) - Comments
‘I will rebirth the Dark. I will bring my father back.’

No. She can’t...

How is it even – possible?

Voldemort had a daughter?

They look up terrified. GINNY takes HARRY’s hand.

HARRY No, no, no. Not that. Anything but that.

We cut to black.

Related characters : Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort, Delphi Diggory

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 3 - Scene 21

Rating : 3,02/5 (639 votes) - Comments
DELPHI (truly pitiful)
Then kill me.

HARRY thinks a moment.

I can’t do that either...

What? Dad? She’s dangerous.

No, Albus...

ALBUS But she’s a murderer – I’ve seen her murder—

HARRY turns and looks at his son and then at GINNY.

Yes. Albus, she’s a murderer, and we’re not.

We have to be better than them.

Yeah, it’s annoying but it’s what we learnt.

Take my mind. Take my memory. Make me forget who I am.

No. We’ll take you back to our time.

And you’ll go to Azkaban. Same as your mother.

Where you’ll rot.

Related characters : Delphi Diggory, Harry Potter, Albus Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Act 4 - Scene 11

Rating : 2,99/5 (745 votes) - Comments
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