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Book : Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Only the photographs on the mantelpiece really showed how much time had passed. Ten years ago, there had been lots of pictures of what looked like a large pink beach ball wearing different-colored bonnets -- but Dudley Dursley was no longer a baby, and now the photographs showed a large blond boy riding his first bicycle, on a carousel at the fair, playing a computer game with his father, being hugged and kissed by his mother. The room held no sign at all that another boy lived in the house, too.

Related characters : Dudley Dursley, Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 2 : The Vanishing Glass

Rating : 2,99/5 (899 votes) - Comments
"You think it -- wise -- to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" [McGonagall]
"I would trust Hagrid with my life," said Dumbledore.

Related characters : Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Rubeus Hagrid

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 1 : The Boy Who Lived

Rating : 2,99/5 (1041 votes) - Comments
Harry was just helping himself to a baked potato when Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall, his turban askew and terror on his face. Everyone stared as he reached Professor Dumbledore's chair, slumped against the table, and gasped, "Troll -- in the dungeons -- thought you ought to know."
He then sank to the floor in a dead faint.

Related characters : Quirinus Quirrell, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 10 : Halloween

Rating : 2,99/5 (657 votes) - Comments
"We could phone Marge," Uncle Vernon suggested.
"Don't be silly, Vernon, she hates the boy." [Petunia]
The Dursleys often spoke about Harry like this, as though he wasn't there -- or rather, as though he was something very nasty that couldn't understand them, like a slug.

Related characters : Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley, Harry Potter, Marjorie Dursley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 2 : The Vanishing Glass

Rating : 2,99/5 (923 votes) - Comments
It was Hermione who spoke first.
"Is it -- dead?"
I don't think so," said Harry, I think it's just been knocked out."
He bent down and pulled his wand out of the troll's nose. It was covered in what looked like lumpy gray glue.
"Urgh -- troll boogers."

Related characters : Hermione Granger, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 10 : Halloween

Rating : 2,99/5 (677 votes) - Comments
"You're only holding the Quidditch cup, what's interesting about that? I want to see my parents."

Harry to Ron about the Mirror of Erised
Related characters : Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, James Potter, Lily Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 12 : The Mirror of Erised

Rating : 2,99/5 (746 votes) - Comments
Twenty minutes later, they left Eeylops Owl Emporium, which had been dark and full of rustling and flickering, jewel-bright eyes. Harry now carried a large cage that held a beautiful snowy owl, fast asleep with her head under her wing. He couldn't stop stammering his thanks, sounding just like Professor Quirrell.

Related characters : Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, Hedwig, Quirinus Quirrell

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 2,99/5 (798 votes) - Comments
"I've decided to call him Norbert," said Hagrid, looking at the dragon with misty eyes. "He really knows me now, watch. Norbert! Norbert! Where's Mommy?"
"He's lost his marbles," Ron muttered in Harry's ear.

Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Norbert

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 14 : Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

Rating : 2,98/5 (687 votes) - Comments
"You're too nosy to live, Potter."

Related characters : Quirinus Quirrell, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 16 : Through the Trapdoor

Rating : 2,98/5 (649 votes) - Comments
"I never thought to look in here!" she whispered excitedly. "I got this out of the library weeks ago for a bit of light reading."
"Light?" said Ron, but Hermione told him to be quiet until she'd looked something up, and started flicking frantically through the pages, muttering to herself.

Related characters : Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 13 : Nicolas Flamel

Rating : 2,98/5 (632 votes) - Comments
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