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Book : Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

"We should have gotten more than ten points," Ron grumbled.
"Five, you mean, once she's taken off Hermione's."
"Good of her to get us out of trouble like that," Ron admitted. "Mind you, we did save her."
"She might not have needed saving if we hadn't locked the thing in with her," Harry reminded him.

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 10 : Halloween

Rating : 3,14/5 (622 votes) - Comments
"What sort of magic do you teach, Professor Quirrell?"
"D-Defense Against the D-D-Dark Arts," muttered Professor Quirrell, as though he'd rather not think about it. "N-not that you n-need it, eh, P-P-Potter?" He laughed nervously. "You'll be g-getting all your equipment, I suppose? I've g-got to p-pick up a new b-book on vampires, m-myself." He looked terrified at the very thought.

Related characters : Quirinus Quirrell, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,14/5 (762 votes) - Comments
"Hermione, the exams are ages away." [Ron]
"Ten weeks," Hermione snapped. "That's not ages, that's like a second to Nicolas Flamel."

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Nicolas Flamel

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 14 : Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

Rating : 3,14/5 (726 votes) - Comments
"I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed -- or worse, expelled. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to bed." [Hermione]
Ron stared after her, his mouth open.
"No, we don't mind," he said. "You'd think we dragged her along, wouldn't you.

Related characters : Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 9 : The Midnight Duel

Rating : 3,14/5 (833 votes) - Comments
They had hoped that Goyle, who was almost as stupid as he was mean, might be thrown out, but he had passed, too. It was a shame, but as Ron said, you couldn't have everything in life.

Related characters : Gregory Goyle, Ron Weasley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 17 : The Man with Two Faces

Rating : 3,14/5 (630 votes) - Comments
"D'you think I'm going to stand out here and wait for Filch to catch me? If he finds all three of us I'll tell him the truth, that I was trying to stop you, and you can back me up."
"You've got some nerve --" said Ron loudly.

Related characters : Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Argus Filch

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 9 : The Midnight Duel

Rating : 3,13/5 (806 votes) - Comments
"Fred, you next," the plump woman said.
"I'm not Fred, I'm George," said the boy.
"Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"
"Sorry, George, dear."
"Only joking, I am Fred," said the boy, and off he went.

Related characters : Molly Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 6 : The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

Rating : 3,13/5 (827 votes) - Comments
"You must be Harry's family!" said Mrs. Weasley.
"In a manner of speaking," said Uncle Vernon. "Hurry up, boy, we haven't got all day."

Related characters : Molly Weasley, Vernon Dursley, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 17 : The Man with Two Faces

Rating : 3,13/5 (703 votes) - Comments
"The gold ones are Galleons," he explained. "Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough.

Hagrid to Harry
Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,13/5 (689 votes) - Comments
"Help yourself," said Harry. "But in, you know, the Muggle world, people just stay put in photos."
"Do they? What, they don't move at all?" Ron sounded amazed. "weird!"

Related characters : Harry Potter, Ron Weasley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 6 : The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

Rating : 3,13/5 (836 votes) - Comments
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