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Character : Rubeus Hagrid

Hagrid rolled up the note, gave it to the owl, which clamped it in its beak, went to the door, and threw the owl out into the storm. Then he came back and sat down as though this was as normal as talking on the telephone.
Harry realized his mouth was open and closed it quickly.

Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 4 : The Keeper of the Keys

Rating : 3,06/5 (786 votes) - Comments
"Shouldn'ta lost me temper," he said ruefully, "but it didn't work anyway. Meant ter turn him into a pig, but I suppose he was so much like a pig anyway there wasn't much left ter do."

Hagrid to Harry about Dudley
Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Dudley Dursley, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 4 : The Keeper of the Keys

Rating : 3,05/5 (661 votes) - Comments
Harry caught sight of Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle's triumphant faces as left, walking numbly in Professor McGonagall's wake as she strode toward the castle. He was going to be expelled, he just knew it. He wanted to say something to defend himself, but there seemed to be something wrong with his voice. Professor McGonagall was sweeping along without even looking at him; he had to jog to keep up. Now he'd done it. He hadn't even lasted two weeks. He'd be packing his bags in ten minutes. What would the Dursleys say when he turned up on the doorstep?
Up the front steps, up the marble staircase inside, and still Professor McGonagall didn't say a word to him. She wrenched open doors and marched along corridors with Harry trotting miserably behind her. Maybe she was taking him to Dumbledore. He thought of Hagrid, expelled but allowed to stay on as gamekeeper. Perhaps he could be Hagrid's assistant. His stomach twisted as he imagined it, watching Ron and the others becoming wizards, while he stumped around the grounds carrying Hagrid's bag.

Related characters : Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Minerva McGonagall, Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley, Dudley Dursley, Albus Dumbledore, Rubeus Hagrid

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 9 : The Midnight Duel

Rating : 3,04/5 (828 votes) - Comments
Hagrid looked at Harry with warmth and respect blazing in his eyes, but Harry, instead of feeling pleased and proud, felt quite sure there had been a horrible mistake. A wizard? Him? How could he possibly be? He'd spent his life being clouted by Dudley, and bullied by Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon; if he was really a wizard, why hadn't they been turned into warty toads every time they'd tried to lock him in his cupboard? If he'd once defeated the greatest sorcerer in the world, how come Dudley had always been able to kick him around like a football?
"Hagrid," he said quietly, "I think you must have made a mistake. I don't think I can be a wizard."

Related characters : Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley, Dudley Dursley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 4 : The Keeper of the Keys

Rating : 3,04/5 (793 votes) - Comments
Up at the High Table, Dumbledore had swapped his pointed wizard's hat for a flowered bonnet, and was chuckling merrily at a joke Professor Flitwick had just read him.
Flaming Christmas puddings followed the turkey. Percy nearly broke his teeth on a silver sickle embedded in his slice. Harry watched Hagrid getting redder and redder in the face as he called for more wine, finally kissing Professor McGonagall on the cheek, who, to Harry's amazement, giggled and blushed, her top hat lopsided.

Related characters : Albus Dumbledore, Filius Flitwick, Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 12 : The Mirror of Erised

Rating : 3,03/5 (574 votes) - Comments
“What did Lockhart want with you, Hagrid?” Harry asked, scratching Fang’s ears.
“Givin’ me advice on gettin’ kelpies out of a well,” growled Hagrid, moving a half-plucked rooster off his scrubbed table and setting down the teapot. “Like I don’ know. An’ bangin’ on about some banshee he banished. If one word of it was true, I’ll eat my kettle.”

Related characters : Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, Gilderoy Lockhart

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 7 : Mudbloods and Murmurs

Rating : 3,02/5 (693 votes) - Comments
Harry and Ron were delighted to hear Hagrid call Fitch "that old git."
"An' as fer that cat, Mrs. Norris, I'd like ter introduce her to Fang sometime. D'yeh know, every time I go up ter the school, she follows me everywhere? Can't get rid of her -- Fitch puts her up to it."

Related characters : Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Fang, Mrs. Norris, Argus Filch

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 8 : The Potions Master

Rating : 3,02/5 (708 votes) - Comments
I never know," Harry called to Hagrid over the noise of the cart, "what's the difference between a stalagmite and a stalactite?"
"Stalagmite's got an 'm' in it," said Hagrid. "An' don' ask me questions just now, I think I'm gonna be sick."

Related characters : Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 5 : Diagon Alley

Rating : 3,01/5 (722 votes) - Comments
"You think it -- wise -- to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" [McGonagall]
"I would trust Hagrid with my life," said Dumbledore.

Related characters : Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Rubeus Hagrid

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 1 : The Boy Who Lived

Rating : 3,01/5 (1010 votes) - Comments
But he had finally gone too far. Hagrid seized his umbrella and whirled it over his head, "NEVER," he thundered, "- INSULT- ALBUS- DUMBLEDOREIN- FRONT- OF- ME!"
He brought the umbrella swishing down through the air to point at Dudley -- there was a flash of violet light, a sound like a firecracker, a sharp squeal, and the next second, Dudley was dancing on the spot with his hands clasped over his fat bottom, howling in pain. When he turned his back on them, Harry saw a curly pig's tail poking through a hole in his trousers.

Related characters : Vernon Dursley, Rubeus Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Dudley Dursley

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 4 : The Keeper of the Keys

Rating : 3,01/5 (849 votes) - Comments
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