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Book : Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 3 - Le Terrier

“You know we’re not supposed to do spells outside school —” [Ron]
“You should talk,” said Harry, staring at the floating car.

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 3,02/5 (659 votes) - Comments
Malfoy made Dudley Dursley look like a kind, thoughtful, and sensitive boy.

Related characters : Draco Malfoy, Dudley Dursley

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 3,08/5 (639 votes) - Comments
“Percy’s been acting very oddly this summer,” said George, frowning. “And he has been sending a lot of letters and spending a load of time shut up in his room... I mean, there’s only so many times you can polish a prefect badge...

Related characters : George Weasley, Percy Weasley

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 3,03/5 (645 votes) - Comments
Fred laughed. “Yeah, Dad’s crazy about everything to do with Muggles; our shed’s full of Muggle stuff. He takes it apart, puts spells on it, and puts it back together again. If he raided our house he’d have to put himself under arrest. It drives Mum mad.”

Related characters : Fred Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 2,94/5 (797 votes) - Comments
Mrs. Weasley was marching across the yard, scattering chickens, and for a short, plump, kind-faced woman, it was remarkable how much she looked like a saber-toothed tiger.
“Ah,” said Fred.
“Oh, dear,” said George.

Related characters : Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Molly Weasley

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 2,98/5 (707 votes) - Comments
At that moment there was a diversion in the form of a small, redheaded figure in a long nightdress, who appeared in the kitchen, gave a small squeal, and ran out again.
“Ginny,” said Ron in an undertone to Harry. “My sister. She’s been talking about you all summer.”
“Yeah, she’ll be wanting your autograph, Harry,” Fred said with a grin.

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 3,10/5 (662 votes) - Comments
He raised the gnome above his head (“Gerroff me!”) and started to swing it in great circles like a lasso. Seeing the shocked look on Harry’s face, Ron added, “It doesn’t hurt them — you’ve just got to make them really dizzy so they can’t find their way back to the gnomeholes.”

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 3,09/5 (630 votes) - Comments
“They’ll be back,” said Ron as they watched the gnomes disappear into the hedge on the other side of the field. “They love it here... Dad’s too soft with them; he thinks they’re funny...”

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Arthur Weasley

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 2,98/5 (704 votes) - Comments
“Your sons flew that car to Harry’s house and back last night!” shouted Mrs. Weasley. “What have you got to say about that, eh?”
“Did you really?” said Mr. Weasley eagerly. “Did it go all right? I — I mean,” he faltered as sparks flew from Mrs. Weasley’s eyes, “that — that was very wrong, boys — very wrong indeed...”

Related characters : Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 2,99/5 (703 votes) - Comments
“It’s a bit small,” said Ron quickly. “Not like that room you had with the Muggles. And I’m right underneath the ghoul in the attic; he’s always banging on the pipes and groaning...”
But Harry, grinning widely, said, “This is the best house I’ve ever been in.”
Ron’s ears went pink.

Related characters : Ron Weasley, Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 3 : The Burrow

Rating : 3,09/5 (585 votes) - Comments
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